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SAT Buñuel es una empresa hortofrutícola que surge en el año 1998 por la iniciativa de un grupo de agricultores con tradición y experiencia en el cultivo y rec
Bernard Gourley is a director and a photographer. His vision is a glimpse into humanity's collective "dark side." He creates surrealist imagery of a unique and gifted modern day Magritte or Bunuel. A Streetless Banksy, if you like.
Bernard Gourley is a director and a photographer. His vision is a glimpse into humanity's collective "dark side." He creates surrealist imagery of a unique and gifted modern day Magritte or Bunuel. A Streetless Banksy, if you like. He offers com
At the 1929 premiere of their film Un Chien Andalou, Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí carried stones in their pockets as self-defense, expecting a negative and even violent reaction from the audience. They were reportedly disappointed to find that the audien
"El sueño es indirigible. No se ha descubierto su secreto. Ojalá pudiera yo orientar mis sueños según mis deseos. me despertaría nunca" - Luis Buñuel
'Not Coming to a Theater Near You' is a film review website that assumes a bias towards older, often unpopular, and sometimes unknown films that merit a second look.