Leben & Beratung ist mehr als Coaching oder pure Lebensberatung. Ich biete eine einzigartige Kombination aus fernöstlicher Meditation und westlicher Coachingelemente.
Breathwalk - AtemGehen mit Naturerfahrung
Reiki - Tiefenentspannung im Liegen
Leben & Beratung ist mehr als Coaching oder pure Lebensberatung. Ich biete eine einzigartige Kombination aus fernöstlicher Meditation und westlicher Coachingelemente.
Breathwalk - AtemGehen mit Naturerfahrung
Reiki - Tiefenentspannung im Liegen
Singh Chiropractic is located in Clearwater, Fl. Offering chiropractic care, Kundalini Yoga, mind/body exercise, and Breathwalk. Dr. Singh is a 2010 graduate of New York Chiropractic College and is also a certified Kundalini Yoga instructor.
Beyond the Bridge, based in New York City, is an Integrative Wellness Consultancy focused on the implementation of Life-Work Balance and Stress Resilience programs.
Beyond the Bridge, based in New York City, is an Integrative Wellness Consultancy focused on the implementation of Life-Work Balance and Stress Resilience programs.
Beyond the Bridge, based in New York City, is an Integrative Wellness Consultancy focused on the implementation of Life-Work Balance and Stress Resilience programs.
Beyond the Bridge, based in New York City, is an Integrative Wellness Consultancy focused on the implementation of Life-Work Balance and Stress Resilience programs.
Beyond the Bridge, based in New York City, is an Integrative Wellness Consultancy focused on the implementation of Life-Work Balance and Stress Resilience programs.
Beyond the Bridge, based in New York City, is an Integrative Wellness Consultancy focused on the implementation of Life-Work Balance and Stress Resilience programs.