Constant end time news updates of breaking headlines directly related to bible prophecy, providing a comprehensive source for all the latest end time news.
It is our mission to Touch Lives...One Verse at a Time.
Our Framed Bible Verses Emphasize Key Words in the Bible Passage so that the reader
lingers a little longer and ponders the scripture.
Family Keepsakes are created when names are included
Welcome to!We are Christians that meet together in Greencastle, Indiana and believe that any time with the bible is time well spent. Here you can learn more about us, find plenty of bible-based sermons, and get directions to our meeti
In His Time, Bible Study Forum, Daily Devotion, Knowing Jesus Christ, your Saviour and Lord. Church History,Living In Christ,Salvation,Sanctification,Bible Reading,Bible Research
Daily Devotions in the Bible is a profitable time spent with God each day. Your daily devotions must become a habit if you are going to grow in your Christian faith. Learn more about how to have a great daily devotion here.
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Most people that are interested in the Bible code can see that end time prophecy is being fulfilled. The end days are here end time prophecy is happening!
Raising capital - whether from Angels or VCs - can be a tricky process, especially if it's your first time starting a business. Luckily, The First-Time Founder's Equity BIble has you covered. From detailing the important differences between debt and equit
Bible study into end time prophecy linking many teachings from the Old and New Testaments with our modern world today, as we await the return of Jesus Christ!