Shenzhen and AnYe technology Co., LTD. Provide position in the field of information comprehensive information service, the overall solutions to use GNSS mature series products and system platform terminal development and production services, the big dippe
PAD audio video navigation, intelligent automotive lighting control system, automobile data recorder, intelligent monocycle, OPS (Optical Parking System), automotive air purifier, Internet of Vehicles/Beidou Navigation Satellite System, etc.
AuCon ist das fuehrende Systemhaus fuer die GNSS Signalverteilung auf GPS L1, L2,L5, Galileo, Glonass, Omnistar, Beidou, IRNSS; AuCon bietet GPS-Antennen, GPS-Repeater und Splitter fuer Indoor und Outdooreinsatz; Inhouse-Versorgung von Gebaeuden, Hangars,
CHC manufacturers cost-effective and reliable GPS and GNSS receivers and provides professional positioning solutions for surveying, construction, GIS and marine applications in more than 50 countries.
IFEN provides leading edge GNSS testing products. GNSS Simulator, RF Signal generator and Test Receiver. GPS, QZSS, SBAS, GALILEO Signal Simulation. Navigation test environments.
Swiss u-blox (SIX:UBXN) is a leading provider of wireless and positioning semiconductors and modules for the automotive, industrial and consumer markets. Our solutions enable people, vehicles and machines to locate their exact position and wirelessly comm