BarentsPortal. An joint Norwegian - Russian environmental status portal for the Barents Sea included biological and physical theme maps intended to serves as an major element in the development of management plans for the whole Barents Sea.
BarentsCulture gives information about culture in the Barents Region, the Arctic.and the North. Editor is Kenneth Mikko, photographer and journalist. Published books: Komi by mc, Moments in Arkhangelsk and Nenets.
BPAN - Barents Protected Area Network. The aim is to promote and support a representative protected area network for conservation of biodiversity and boreal-arctic nature - especially forests and wetlands. Website produced by SYKE
From regional hubs in Panama, Miami, Paris, and Beirut, Barents Re provides a wide range of niche and specialty reinsurance products for corporations, public entities, casualty and life - health insurers.
From regional hubs in Panama, Miami, Paris, and Beirut, Barents Re provides a wide range of niche and specialty reinsurance products for corporations, public entities, casualty and life - health insurers.
Storm in Barents Sea (Arctic Ocean), Undewater of Barents Sea, Monster Hunt - Barents Sea Skrei (Cod), SeaExplorer Mission in the Barents Sea, Barents Sea Cruise 2013, UFO FLEET IN RUSSIA !!! Intense battle with russian navy in Barents Sea ! SECRET WARS 1
Undewater of Barents Sea, Шторм в Баренцевом море. Storm in Barents Sea., Atlantic Viking - Fishing in Barents Sea, January 2014 - Automatic packing of fish blocks, UFO FLEET IN RUSSIA !!! Intense battle with russian navy in Barents Sea ! SECRET WARS is your first and best source for information about barents . Here you will also find topics relating to issues of general interest. We hope you find what you are looking for!