is an open Internet news service, which offers daily updated news from and about the Barents Region. The site is run by the Norwegian Barents Secretariat in Kirkenes, Norway
BarentsCulture gives information about culture in the Barents Region, the Arctic.and the North. Editor is Kenneth Mikko, photographer and journalist. Published books: Komi by mc, Moments in Arkhangelsk and Nenets. is an open Internet news service, which offers daily updated news from and about the Barents Region. The site is run by the Norwegian Barents Secretariat in Kirkenes, Norway
Laponia es una región geográfica de Europa del Norte. Limita por el norte con el océano Glacial Ártico, por el oeste con el mar de Noruega, y por el este, con el mar de Barents. Laponia está dividida entre Noruega, Rusia, Suecia y Finlandia
This portal offers information on how climate change will impact the Barents region's environment in general and the sectors forestry, fishing, tourism and reindeer herding in particular.
BPAN - Barents Protected Area Network. The aim is to promote and support a representative protected area network for conservation of biodiversity and boreal-arctic nature - especially forests and wetlands. Website produced by SYKE
The Arkhangelsk International Cultural Center bundles endeavors for contemporary arts in Arkhangelsk(Region); based around existing structures, a newly renovated arts studio for Russian and international artists as well excellent networks in Arkhangelsk,
BALANCE is an EU funded project (2002-2005) that follows on from BASIS (1997-1999). Its aim is to assess the vulnerabilities of the Barents Sea system to climate change based on a common modelling framework for major environmental and societal components
Все виды транспортных услуг: Грузоперевозки, грузовое такси, грузчики, складское хранение, такелаж, квартирные и офисные переезды по Мурманску и Санкт-П�