techolife is the first ever online weekly magazine of Bangladesh on technology and lifestyle. We are promised to Bangladeshies to provide them with updates about technology that is related to our life. We are also commited to the society to spread technol
at Bangla newspaper site we provide a list of all Bangladeshi Newspaper sites links, Bangla Daily Newspapers, weekly and monthly Bangla Magazine those are published from Bangladesh and Calcutta.
Computer Bichitra is the one of the leading `Information and Communication Technology (ICT) related monthly magazine in Bangladesh. Head of Computer Science and Electronice Department of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Professor Dr.Muhammad is the leading online Bangla Magazine in Bangladesh, serving millions of Bengali all over the world, brings favorite contents to the readers.
Welcome to This site is contained most of Bangla Daily Newspaper, weekly and monthly Magazine which are published from Bangladesh and Kalkata. So read a lot of Bangla news paper and Bangla magazine by Visiting AllBnaglaNewspaper.Com.
Lifestyle is a magazine specializing human-interest stories, published in Bangladesh in Bengali language. Its content includes respectful coverage of personalities. It aims to provide the quality of content. Lifestyle always promoted go green messages. `G
The Bangladesh Lifestyle Magazine Das neue Online-Magazin Colored Bangladesh berichtet über das Leben, die Menschen und die Orte in Bangladesch, um die
AponMaya designs, develops, and maintains Bangladesh’s first women’s platform for free speech Amar AponMaya, Entertainment and Lifestyle magazine Dhoom. Watch this page for more…