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Avaaz pone en marcha campañas instantáneas para abordar las crisis que pasan en cualquier parte del planeta y cerrar la brecha entre el mundo que tenemos, y el mundo que la mayoría de personas en cualquier parte del planeta quiere. Únete al movimiento aho
Latest news and breaking news from India on Bharat Ki Avaaz. Bharat Ki Avaaz bring the Latest & Breaking News on Indian Politics and Current Affairs, Indian
Avaaz si mobilita in campagne urgenti per rispondere alle crisi in corso in qualunque parte del mondo, e per ridurre la distanza fra il mondo che abbiamo e il mondo che la maggior parte di noi vorrebbe. Unisciti al movimento.
Avaaz déclenche des campagnes urgentes pour répondre aux crises qui surgissent partout sur la planète, et pour combler l'écart entre le monde que nous avons et le monde voulu par la majorité d'entre nous et partout. Rejoignez le mouvement mainte
A new global treaty - ACTA - could allow corporations to police everything that we do on the Internet. Let's follow up our victory against the censors in the US, and get the European Parliament to bury this new threat
Today we could save the free Internet and stop the US Congress passing a law that gives them the power to censor the world's Internet. Public pressure is at boiling point and we are turning the tide. Let's stop the bill now -- sign the petition!