Psychotherapy and Psychological Testing for Children and Adults. Play therapy, Sand tray therapy, Behavior modification, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Psychodynamic, Neuropsychological, Neurodiagnostic, Psychodiagnostic and developmental tests
ADHD Assessment, ADHD testing, ADHD counseling, ADHD tutoring and treatment for adults and children with Attention Deficit Disorder. ADD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD Dyslexia and other learning disabilities. Math and language learning pro
Brooklyn Child Psychologist -- Specialist in ADD/ADHD. Anxiety, Depression and Autism in Children and Teens. Call Sachs Center to schedule an appointment for an initial evaluation today.
I Shine provides free services to all qualifying applicants for Early Intervention, Service Coordination, Speech Therapy, and Autism Services. I Shine is experienced in work with a wide variety of children with disabilities, mild to moderate delays and Au
The Great Plains Laboratory - We offer all testing and help with Autism prevention, diet for autistic children and treatment focusing on Biological treatment.
Dr Andrew McIntosh a pediatric neurologist with an Orange County pediatric neurology office performs autism spectrum diagnosis including ADHD testing and childhood migraine treatment.
Neurocognitive Associates provides neuropsychological testing and psychological evaluation for assessment of developmental disorders in infants, children, adults for autism, Asperger's disorder, attention deficit disorders, brain injury and learning disab
Dr. Amanda Wall is a child psychologist. She specializes in Psychological testing, psychoeducational testing, and child therapy. She provides psychological services to diagnose ADHD, ADD, learning disabilities, behavioral problems, anxiety, and Autism.
Neurocognitive Associates provides neuropsychological testing and psychological evaluation for assessment of developmental disorders in infants, children, adults for autism, Asperger's disorder, attention deficit disorders, brain injury and learning disab
Dr Andrew McIntosh a pediatric neurologist with an Orange County pediatric neurology office performs autism spectrum diagnosis including ADHD testing and childhood migraine treatment.
HHA is an integrative medical practice specializing in Lyme, autism,and chronic disease management utilizing Autonomic Response Testing, Regulation Thermography
Dr Andrew McIntosh a pediatric neurologist with an Orange County pediatric neurology office performs autism spectrum diagnosis including ADHD testing and childhood migraine treatment.