Fantasy novels and light novels, some original, some translated from Chinese. Themes of heroism, of valor, of ascending to Immortality, of combat, of magic, of Eastern mythology and legends. Updated with awesome new content daily.
Debbie Lannen -published author of plays and children's books. Artistic Director of The Spotlight Still Got It Players. Her plays have been produced in NYC
Amy E. Robertson is the author of the Moon Handbook for Honduras, due on shelves in December 2012, as well as: Moon Spotlight Honduras Bay Islands (2010) Moon Handbook for Honduras, fifth edition (2009) and the forthcoming Moon Spotlight Copán (Jan. 2013)
Betty Perryman, Speaker, Author. Betty Perryman is a professional motivational speaker featuring topics related to grief transition, Books include: Happiness
RLHTALENT Management for Musicians, Actors, Models, Film Makers, Authors and more advice contact submit, Reginia McKinney Author of Introspection, Holly Harrell
Cambria Publishing features award winning books about Canadian coal miners and Kirkland Lake Ontario miners including histories of individuals,portraits, stories and mining songs. View the spotlight galleries of photographs and stories from the books writ