We offer immigration advice and services within the immigration rules to individuals and business people. We are based in London, United Kingdom, but we welcome everybody who wishes to come to the UK for various purposes and every businessperson who wishe
CENTAR ZA ZAŠTITU I POMOĆ TRAŽIOCIMA AZILA (ASYLUM PROTECTION CENTER) je nevladina, nezavisna i neprofitna, ali profesionalna i kvalifikovana organizacija, koju čine stručnjaci svih profila i profesija koje povezuje ideja pružanja pomoći i zaštite tražioc
FECL: news, analyses and comments on European developments in the fields of liberties, human rights, public order, policing, justice, data protection, immigration and asylum.
BASF helps asylum seekers survive by providing supplementary living assistance to individuals and families during the time between their applications for protection and their Permanent Protection Visa.
HIAS Refugee Trust of Kenya (HRTK) assists vulnerable asylum seekers and refugees by providing protection, assistance and solutions to those at heightened risk. Through partnership with the government, other stakeholders and beneficiaries, HRTK enhances r
Tony Kevin, SIEV, Rescue at Sea, Safety of life at sea, SOLAS, SAR, border protection, border security, people smugglers, Australia's maritime borders, asylum seekers, death at sea, boat people
The Foundation for Shelter and Support to Migrants (FSM) was established in Malta August 2010 with the purpose inter alia to provide temporary shelter and support services to asylum-seekers and persons with international protection.
Immigration law experts that specialise in temporary visas, green cards, spouse and fiance visas, asylum, political protection visas, deportation, student visas
The Foundation for Shelter and Support to Migrants (FSM) was established in Malta August 2010 with the purpose inter alia to provide temporary shelter and support services to asylum-seekers and persons with international protection.
HIAS Refugee Trust of Kenya (HRTK) assists vulnerable asylum seekers and refugees by providing protection, assistance and solutions to those at heightened risk. Through partnership with the government, other stakeholders and beneficiaries, HRTK enhances r
80% of the world’s refugees seek asylum in non-democratic states, or states that have not signed the 1951 International Convention for the Protection of Refugees and 1967 Protocol, do not have implementing legislation or, if they do, do not grant refugees
We offer immigration advice and services within the immigration rules to individuals and business people. We are based in London, United Kingdom, but we welcome everybody who wishes to come to the UK for various purposes and every businessperson who wishe
EPPA. Employee Polygraph Protection Act training and certified members. The nationwide polygraph examiner lie-detection network. EPPA Polygraphs. Polygraph Association. Polygraph Innocence Project. Los Angeles to New York, Florida to Washington. Relation
With extensive law enforcement and investigation experience. GLOBAL 360°offers the talent and expertise crucial to providing customized security, threat assessment, and private investigative services.