The Antigonish Review is a literary journal containing short stories, poetry and articles from Canadian writers and also writers from around the world. The journal is indexed in The Canadian Periodical Index, The Index of American Periodical Verse, the M.
Mark Jordan Manner lives and writes in Toronto. His stories have appeared in Grain, EVENT, Prairie Fire, The Fiddlehead, PRISM international, Existere, The Antigonish Review, Riddle Fence, The Puritan, The Feathertale Review, The Dalhousie Review, Paper D
Matt Nagin is a poet, fiction writer, actor and comedian living in NYC. His website contains Testimonials, a Performance Schedule, a List of Publications, a Comedy/Writing Resume, Sample Work, Blogs, Facebook/Twitter and a Contact Page.
Matt Nagin is a poet, fiction writer, actor and comedian living in NYC. His website contains Testimonials, a Performance Schedule, a List of Publications, a Comedy/Writing Resume, Sample Work, Blogs, Facebook/Twitter and a Contact Page.