Anna Olswanger wears a number of hats in the book world, including those of literary agent, author, Jewish book promoter, music licenser, and writing trainer.
In Anna Olswanger's Greenhorn, a young Holocaust survivor arrives at a New York yeshiva in 1946 where he will study and live. His only possession is a small box that he never lets out of his sight.
In Anna Olswanger's Greenhorn, a young Holocaust survivor arrives at a New York yeshiva in 1946 to study and live. His only possession is a small box, with a terrible secret, that he never lets out of his sight.
Anna Olswanger offers these full-day business writing workshops to corporations and institutions throughout the country: The Write Thing: The Plain English Approach to Business Writing, More of The Write Thing: Focus on Reader-Centered Writing, The Write
Yerusha is a worldwide organization for Jewish women and men, past normal child-bearing age, who believe they may never have children, either biologically or by adoption.
Yerusha is a worldwide organization for Jewish women and men, past normal child-bearing age, who believe they may never have children, either biologically or by adoption.