Extensive Information and Articles on ADD ADHD, Attention Deficit Disorders, ADD-ADHD, ADD/ADHD by Doctors, Teachers, Media, Government, parents, child, adult, symptom, treatment, test
The latest news and information on ADHD treatment options. Learn about the many ADHD treatments, and discover alternative therapies and natural remedies for children and adults with ADD.
Integrative Pediatric Nurse Practitioner specializing in Alternative Treatments for children with ADHD, anxiety, pain, migraines, chronic ear infections, stomach problems, sleep disturbances and so much more!
Diet is found to be one of the most highly effective natural ADHD treatments. The ADHD Alternative Diets is a proven system that quickly and naturally creates powerful results.
Art therapy provides effective alternative autism treatments, natural treatments and family counseling techniques for depression, adhd, anxiety, loss and grief,
Our goal is to provide you with a personalized and comprehensive evaluation to help you understand and learn about your child’s needs. We are committed to improving the health and well-being of children and families affected by developmental and behaviora
This website described the work of Dr Charles Shinaver, a unique psychologist-coach. With impeccable credentials he has a comprehensive plan to get you access to his insights on psychological research through FitFamilies.TV. Yet, he is a humble father
Discover safe, effective herbal treatments for ADHD. Avoid side effects from prescription drugs, consider natural treatments for ADHD, and ADHD herbal cures.
Rae Tattenbaum specializes in neurological training to enhance your attention, abilities and self-confidence using Neurofeedback, guided imagery, Open Focus, and mental preparation techniques
Help children change habits and behavior with the MotivAider. Teachers and parents can easily improve children's attention and classroom performance. Learn more about the MotivAider today. Contact Behavioral Dynamics to order.
Auriculotherapy is a procedure in which stimulation of the auricle of the external ear is utilized to alleviate health conditions in other parts of the body.
Auriculotherapy is a procedure in which stimulation of the auricle of the external ear is utilized to alleviate health conditions in other parts of the body.
Quest Camps is a Special Needs Camp located in Orange County, CA. We offer therapy, treatment & social skills training for children with ADHD & Asperger's.
Rae Tattenbaum specializes in neurological training to enhance your attention, abilities and self-confidence using Neurofeedback, guided imagery, Open Focus, and mental preparation techniques
This website provides addtabz an Adderall alternative for for millions. It prevents memory loss it also improved your learning and memory skills, positive mood
Ayurveda - ancient system of holistic healing that treats the body, mind, and spirit. This site showcases modern uses of ayurveda as complementary and alternative medicine. You will also find ayurvedic doctors, products and treatments for acid reflux, adh
The Prihatin Institute is a non-profit organization that works to find and implement alternative treatments for improved health and wellness through the interaction of nature and art. Contact us at 858.229.1512 or [email protected].
ADHD doctors and researchers explain the benefits and risks of alternative therapies like neurofeedback, working-memory treatment and omega-3 fatty acids. Expert information and community for adults and children with attention deficit disorder (ADD/ADHD)