Learn algorithmic trading, quantitative finance and high-frequency trading online from industry experts at QuantInsti – A Pioneer Training Institute for Algo Trading
MetaTrader 4 is a free-of-charge Forex trading platform. It offers wide technical analysis options, flexible trading system, algorithmic and mobile trading, Market, Virtual Hosting and Signals.
Auto trading can give you a serious advantage in FX. Join the cTDN community today to download, develop and collaborate on robots and indicators for the forex market.
QuantConnect provides a free algorithm backtesting tool and financial data so engineers can design algorithmic trading strategies. We are democratizing algorithm trading technology to empower investors.
Algorithmic Trading Strategies - These simple automated trading systems will make your investing more profitable. Use our futures trading system or quantitative trading strategies today!
Algorithmic Solutions Software GmbH
provides software and consulting for application of efficient algorithms
and data structures. Our innovative and efficient software components enable the user
to shorten product development time and to offer fast, re
Algorithmic Adornments is a design and tooling workshop hosted in Vienna's Goldsmiths Centre and supervised by top industry people from all over the world, students and professionals can learn to produce extraordinary things and amalgamate the newest tech
Algorithmic Arts makes interactive analog software sequencers and software for creating algorithmic MIDI music and graphics from Fractals, DNA, EEGs, EKGs, and other data.
Algorithmic Consultants are an informal network of experts for performance issues, employing their
advanced knowledge of applied mathematics, particularly efficient algorithms and data structures.