Bienvenue sur le blog qui parle des émotions, des technologies...En bref des technologies liées à l'émotion. Pourquoi ce blog ? Et bien tout ce qui touche de près ou de loin à l'émotionnel nous intéresse, vous intéresse. Aussi, nous avons voulu
Empatica is an affective computing company, focused on human data analytics. We develop groundbreaking wearable devices with medical quality sensing. Our goal is to help people make better decisions in their everyday lives, based on smart human data analy
Emotional computing is the study and development of systems and devices that can recognize, interpret, process, and simulate human emotions. This definition is copied from Wikipedia's entry for "affective computing", changing to "emoti
The sixth International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII2015) of the Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing (aaac) will be held in the historic city Xi’an, China on September 21-24, 2015.
Blog categories cover following areas: Business & Management, Internet Marketing, UX & Web Design, Philosophy & Sociology, Science & Technology
BITalino is a low-cost toolkit to learn and prototype applications using body signals.
It's for students, teachers, makers, artists, researchers, corporate R&D... no electrical skills required!
The EMO-Synth is an interactive multi-media system where the emotional man-machine interaction plays a central role. During performances and demonstrations the system automatically generates and manipulates sounds and images to direct the user in certain
sciRobot is company that is dedicated to design and develop human-machine interaction platforms that can provide users with the feeling of compliance and attachment
This is a reading course for graduate students at UOIT about user experience, input devices, interaction technologies, and evaluation approaches concerning