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Book hotels and earn thousands of frequent flyer miles from Aeroplan, AirAsia BIG, airberlin topbonus, Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan, Alitalia MilleMiglia, Gift Card, American Airlines AAdvantage program, American Airlines Business Extra®
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Between July 1 and September 30, 2013, every guest who purchases gift cards either online at or at a hotel will receive one Aeroplan mile for every dollar spent.
Shop SHOP.CA online. Millions of products across 27 categories including Clothing, Electronics, Furniture, Home Appliances, Jewellery, Toys, Video Games, Musical Instruments & more. Get FREE shipping plus Shop and Earn Aeroplan Miles #SHOPHAPPY
Book hotels and earn thousands of frequent flyer miles from Aeroplan, Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan, Alitalia MilleMiglia, American Airlines AAdvantage program, Amtrak Guest Rewards, Asia Miles, Avios Travel Rewards Programme, British Airways Executive Clu offers an opportunity for professionals to secure quality continuing education accredited CME cruise conferences while spending quality time with family on a cruise vacation. offers an opportunity for professionals to secure quality continuing education accredited CME cruise conferences while spending quality time with family on a cruise vacation. offers an opportunity for professionals to secure quality continuing education accredited CME cruise conferences while spending quality time with family on a cruise vacation.
FlyerCalc Mileage Calculator iPhone app calculates how many airmiles you'll get for a trip for 6000 airports and many major airlines including American Airlines AAdvantage, Delta SkyMiles, British Airways Avios, Air Canada Aeroplan, Singapore Airlines