Mendocino Maples Nursery: Japanese Maple Trees and Acer Specialists. Growers of Rare and Unusual Maple Trees with 40 species of Maples with over 200 cultivars from Around the World. Many hard to find Japanese maple tree cultivars.
Japanese Maple Specialist. Trees, Containers, Companion Plants, Tools, Books, Supplies--Everything you need to create Container Gardens. Photos, Articles, Answers to your Gardening Questions.
Miyama Asian Maples is a mail-order Japanese maple nursery specializing in Acer Japonicums, Buergerianums, Palmatums, Shiraswanums, pre-Bonsai, and specimen maple trees. We have some very rare and unusual types.
Way of Maple's Yuki Nara teaches the art of aesthetic pruning of Japanese maple trees. She teaches Aesthetic Pruning at Merritt College in Oakland, CA and is also availble for speaking engagements for seminars, workshops, lectures and symposiums.