Milkwood is dedicated to teaching permaculture stuff. We share practical skills and knowledge that help you live ethically, abundantly and deeply hands-on.
Le bureau d'études permacultureDesign propose de nombreuses ressources gratuites sur la permaculture sur son blog, ainsi des formations sur sites et en ligne...
How to make your dream of small farm sustainable living a reality. A Permaculture practitioner’s guide to simple living and self sufficiency for quality of life, ecological living and survival.
Presenting David Holmgren, co-originator of the permaculture concept, environmental designer, author & futurist. Credited with the term 'Energy Descent'.
Welcome to Deep Green Permaculture – we’re an educational website, and on this site you’ll find lots of practical information and easy to follow DIY (do-it-yourself) instructional guides on the topics of permaculture, urban agriculture, food forest
Vidéo Permaculture, pour découvrir tous les aspects de la permaculture avec des vidéos pour votre apprentissage de toutes les techniques intégrées dans l'éthique de la permaculture...
Starhawk is the author of many books of fiction and non-fiction exploring earth-based spirituality, the Goddess, and activism. She's a permaculture designer and teacher, director of Earth Activist Training and cofounder of Reclaiming, a Pagan sp
Formations en permaculture, jardinage et agriculture naturelle à la Ferme biologique du Bec Hellouin. La Ferme biologique du Bec Hellouin, créée par un couple de passionnés de nature
dans le cadre enchanteur d’une vallée préservée, es
Permaculture.TV is a media cooperative project that uses web video technology to educate the community about grass-roots solutions to sustainability such as gardens in schools, community gardens, home gardens, healthy eating and lifestyles, ecological far
Kinstone is an applied permaculture education center and permaculture farm located in western Wisconsin. Visit our state of the art applied permaculture center, today!