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The Film Photography Project informs, engages and inspires film enthusiasts of all levels. While promoting the viability of vintage cameras and film through product reviews, frequent giveaways and exchange programs, the FPP is building a community of phot
The Haiku FIlm Project was created by JAS in September of 2010. It is a mixing of two elements; film and haiku. Two sets of rules related to the haiku films allow for two different versions of the...
Official Website of Project 11 The Film. Project 11 is a unique international collaborative endeavor in which 11 filmmakers from across the world came together to direct one short film. The filmmakers were drawn from 11 different cities of the world – na
The She Dreams film project, inspired by the Dayton, Ohio experience- and Dayton music. All bands/musicians with Dayton connections and many musicians participating.
Film Fabric: The project management solution for Film and Television development and production. Managing resources, dates, contracts, options, schedules, call sheets, daily reports and much much more.
Film Fabric: The project management solution for Film and Television development and production. Managing resources, dates, contracts, options, schedules, call sheets, daily reports and much much more.
Film Fabric: The project management solution for Film and Television development and production. Managing resources, dates, contracts, options, schedules, call sheets, daily reports and much much more.
Film Fabric: The project management solution for Film and Television development and production. Managing resources, dates, contracts, options, schedules, call sheets, daily reports and much much more.