J Mallard Farms is a small 3rd generation waterfowl breeder located in West Tennessee. We are still a small operation with 11 different breeds on this small hobby farm but have plans to expand.
Raising rabbits for home consumption can be a fun and rewarding experience for the entire family. Describes the backyard meat rabbit raising practices of Rudolph's Rabbits Ranch. General information on raising meat rabbits including possible markets is al
A non-profit association of poultry, rabbit and alternative livestock exhibitors, fanciers and breeders located at Fayette County Fairgrounds, Dunbar, Pennsylvania.
Wireswest German Wirehaired Pointers are Bred for the Gun and are versatile upland and waterfowl hunting dogs. Our goal is to preserve, improve, and promote the fine qualities of the German Wirehaired Pointer as an upland and waterfowl versatile hunting
Call ducks are cute. They are the 'toy' ducks of the domestic waterfowl breeds. Everything you want to know about these birds - Britain's most popular pet duck