ordination for senior citizens, men or women can be ordained, retired and want to do weddings, earn extra money doing marriages, over 30 and want to be a minister, over 40 and want to get ordained, over 20 and want to start a ministry, church
Abba Ministries of Canada is a national Christian denomination offering ordination and ministerial status to men and women who are called by the Holy Spirit.
The ECAMFC - Evangelical Church Alliance Ministerial Fellowship of Canada provides ordination credentials, ministry preparation, and on-going support to men and women who are called by the Holy Spirit to ministry.
An Afrocentric and independent black Catholic communion in the U.S. that celebrates mass with inculturated African ceremonial traditions such as libation, drumming and processional dance; including the ordination of women, intercessory prayer & healing mi
Abba Ministries of Canada is a national Christian denomination offering ordination and ministerial status to men and women who are called by the Holy Spirit.
Become ordained Licensed Minister | Ordination Laws Legal | Senior Citizen Ordination | retired | Clergy Credentials | Do Wedding Ceremonies for Friends and Family
For anyone interested in the impact of religion on society, good or bad; a former priest , Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies; his life, family, friendship, education, writings, credo, career, pains and joys.
Roman Catholic Womenpriests (RCWP) is an international initiative within the Roman Catholic Church. The mission of Roman Catholic Womenpriests North America is to spiritually prepare, ordain, and support women and men from all states of life, who are theo
Seventh-day Adventist conservative Christian site dedicated to end-time prophetic events, and online edition of the book Great Controversy by Ellen G. White
Ordained women in ministry with legally licensed as female members of the clergy with legal proof of ecclesiastical endorsement as a member of the clergy