Le Tao Kung propose des exercices énergétiques, ayant pour objectif d’entretenir la santé et la vitalité.
A la portée de tous, il peut être pratiqué jusqu’à un âge avancé…
Jonie Uniforms provides the martial arts community with a wide variety of both practice and exhibition essentials that include our beautifully tailored Kung-Fu uniforms and eye-catching banners since 1991.
La boutique des arts martiaux chinois ! Spécialiste kung-fu, wushu, tai chi, tai ji quan, sanda, danse du lion et dragon, et artisant chinois. En direct depuis la Chine.
Szkoła Tai Chi, Kung Fu i Chi Kung - sztuki walki, zdrowie. Kraków, oddziały w całej Polsce - doświadczeni instruktorzy - zapraszamy dzieci i dorosłych. YMAA Int. założone przez dr Yang Jwing-Ming'a, karty Benefit Multisport
Practical Wing Chun Kung Fu is a self defense program offered by Gotham Martial Arts located in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York City. This Wing Chun system was modified and developed by Grandmaster WAN Kam Leung, a senior disciple of late Wing
At the Canadian Hung Kuen Kung Fu School you will get a balance between physical development and the traditions of formal Martial Arts, but with a modern approach. You will learn at your own pace in family friendly surroundings.
Learn Shaolin Kung Fu in China at Qufu Shaolin Kung Fu School, study traditional Gong Fu, Tai Chi, Sanda, Qigong, Baji, Xingyi and chinese martial arts
Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun Kung Fu of Arizona specializes in training Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun, Wudang, Tai Chi and Kung fu to all ages. Hung Fa Yi of Arizona is located
Handcrafted Wooden Dummy from the Great Lion Company for Wing Chun, Jeet Kune Do, Mantis, Choy Lay Fut, Hung Gar and other forms of Kung Fu and martial arts practice. Available in traditional and modern freestanding models. Built with pride in America.
Bei Dou Kung Fu Chicago located at 1511 W. Fullerton Ave. and 539 W. 31st Street in Chicago, Illinois offers classes for traditional Kung Fu, contemporary Wushu, Sanshou Kickboxing, and Tai Chi. Traditional Chinese Kung Fu incorporates ancient Shaolin fis