Green Source Gardens is committed to creating rich diversity in our soils which in turn will grow the highest quality medicine possible. In order to achieve a healthy biological soil ecosystem it requires a commitment to not disturbing the communities of
Green Source Gardens is committed to creating rich diversity in our soils which in turn will grow the highest quality medicine possible. In order to achieve a healthy biological soil ecosystem it requires a commitment to not disturbing the communities of
Welcome to Living Earth Landscapes, a family-owned residential landscape company serving the North Atlanta area. Whether you are looking for installation of a new landscape, walkway, firepit or organic vegetable garden, we are glad you stopped by and are
Landscape Architecture promoting design principles that help strengthen physical, mental and spiritual health in a balanced and harmonious relationship with the natural and social environment.
The Gardens of Abundance is an Arts studio and Permaculture garden created to bring awareness to holistic and regenerative gardening and self transformation practices. The G.o.A hosts a variety of workshops and events to share regenerative food growing te
The Garden Angels Landscape Design and Consulting creates distinctive outdoor living spaces, specializing in the design of custom projects that are affordable and healthy for the environment.