Breeze Shooters is one of the oldest Amateur (Ham) Radio Clubs in Western Pennsylvania. Our membership is in the thousands. We host the Largest Annual Hamfest in WPA region. See website for current info. All Hams are encouraged to join in our net
Breeze Shooters is one of the oldest Amateur (Ham) Radio Clubs in Western Pennsylvania. Our membership is in the thousands. We host the Largest Annual Hamfest in WPA region. See website for current info. All Hams are encouraged to join in our net
Breeze Shooters is one of the oldest Amateur (Ham) Radio Clubs in Western Pennsylvania. Our membership is in the thousands. We host the Largest Annual Hamfest in WPA region. See website for current info. All Hams are encouraged to join in our net
The California Rescue 40 Meter Net is also known as the Gordon West Net. This emergency and rescue net meets Monday through Friday on 7.250 MHz between 8:30 Am and 9:00 AM PST. The purpose of the net is to provide emergency communications should a major e
K7LCD, The Lewis & Clark Amateur Radio Club is involved in community service. Such as food rives and other fund raising activities to help the needy. Also provides emergency communications as needed.
W5QGG.ORG is the official web site of Midland Amateur Radio Club. It sole purpose is to help advance the hobby of Amateur Radio. W5QGG is the official FCC issued callsign for the Midland Amateur Radio Club.