We believe in a future where wearable technology will positively revolutionize business from sports to media/entertainment to healthcare. We are Google Glass Pioneers. We are HUDLABS.HUDLABS is the leading digital agency specializing in building wearable
Nicola Fioravanti is researching on novel interfaces, interaction design, functional programming, small data, thinking and wearable technologies with a particular focus on Google Glass.
Google Glass (styled 'GLΛSS') is a wearable computer with a head-mounted display (HMD) that is being developed by Google in the Project Glass research and development project, with the mission of producing a mass-market ubiquitous computer. Google Glass 2
This blog utilizes Google Glass to support nonprofits with online engagement and collect stories of how nonprofits have experimented with use of wearable technology, such as Google Glass. This blog is...
CEO Adriano Farano said Watchup for Google Glass will bring “the newscast to the age of wearable devices.” And make it easier to catch up on news while making espresso.
A new Google Glass app that turns the wearable into an intelligent life-logging camera has been released, Moment Camera, promising to automatically figure out
UBIMAX is European market leader for Industrial Wearable Computing Solutions. We provide cutting-edge wearable computing solutions, hardware, and services.
UBIMAX is European market leader for Industrial Wearable Computing Solutions. We provide cutting-edge wearable computing solutions, hardware, and services.