Christ the Redeemer Reformed Presbyterian Church. A reformed theological teaching of the Holy Scriptures. We are located near the town of Eureka, in the State of California.
Death is an illusion, we were created to exit forever. We become disconnected from immortality because we don't understand the mechanism of nature called 'Regeneration'.
Learn the Biblical truths about life after death, and why the gospel message is so important, and find out what the Early Church taught about eternal life.
The musical comedy sensation. Liberace arrives at the Pearly Gates. Will St Peter let him in or damn him to Hell? Tonight Liberace plays for his life...his eternal life!
Discover a unique and intriguing defense of REAL Christianity in this FREE on-line "eye-opening" book titled Lies & Deception - Concerning God, Religion...
Welcome to the official website of Michael Dewar, author of The Book of Life and Master List Uncovered. Get your name into heavens good book.Learn about the two eternal destinations of life, why, when and how to choose. Learn about endtime events.
Setting people free, breaking spiritual strongholds and bondages through the grace and power of Jesus Christ. Eternal life, healing, deliverance, and wholeness through Jesus the Messiah.