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The poetry, fiction, nonfiction, writing and teaching website for author Jessica Piazza. Books include Interrobang, published by Red Hen Press and This is not a sky, published by Black Lawrence Press.
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Come to Wizard Academy, A 21st Century Business School; A Nontraditional Business School;
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With over 60 years experience in the creative reprographic services industry. Creative Frenzy Ltd is an evolving business, offering initial creative through to print to customers throughout the UK. Creative Frenzy Ltd offer a wide range of services includ
With over 60 years experience in the creative reprographic services industry. Creative Frenzy Ltd is an evolving business, offering initial creative through to print to customers throughout the UK. Creative Frenzy Ltd offer a wide range of services includ
creative acts of healing: after a baby dies, by Judith van Praag, is a first person longitudinal account of loss, mourning, grief, healing, and recovery. It answers the question of 'what do we do now?' for grieving families
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an independent press, distributed by Consortium Book Sales and Distribution, that questions dominant cultural stories, using superheroines, cooking, history,