Quantum Energetics, Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy, QEST is a structured energy work that uncovers the underlying causes of disease and injury and naturally assists the body energetically to make it's own repairs thus bringing the body back to
When was the last time you felt on top of the world? Reiki healing energy could be the answer you need! Reiki is an ancient system of energy healing accessed through the hands. It can quickly relieve PAIN, STRESS and many other Physical, Mental and Emotio
A centre for learning about Spiritual Healing with special stories and tales about Spirituality, and Spiritual Healing for the Body, Mind, and Spirit. Including Spiritual Healing Prayer, Spiritual Healing Religion, Sufism, Self Help and Angels of Divine L
Star of Bethlehem Handicrafts : - Noah Ark Angels Crosses Bracelets Large Statues Holy Family Statues Jesus Statues Mary Statues Saints Statues Nativities Plaques Last Supper Rosaries Ornaments Candle Holders Holy Land Elements Animals Miscellaneous Pray
Non-profit organization to support the identification and eventual prevention of rare, genetic disorders, and to provide financial assistance to families coping with the many complications of these disorders.
Irwin Naturals and Klee Irwin support a variety of charities, working to end malnutrition and to preserve our natural resources for future generations. Join us in supporting Vitamin Angels, the Sierra Club, and New Paradigm Partners as they strive to mak
IET with Reva: Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) Classes & Certifications, Energy Healing, Alternative Healing, Spiritual Healing, Retreats, Deeksha, Natural Healing - Sky's Healing in Naples, Florida
Dawn Gabrielle is a Healer and Spiritual Teacher, working intuitively with the Angels, Ascended Masters and other Divine Beings of Light. She is a registered Practitioner and Master Teacher of Angelic Reiki and Magnified Healing and also runs weekly Medi
Sam Philipe created the lion of Judah for the city Jerusalem, Sam Philipe... Reaching God through Art, Biblical Stories come to life in Sam Philipe's hands,The Gospel to the whole World (Matt 24:12) with Sam Philipe's works
Hands-on learning art workshop projects with an integrated curriculum engaging students in learning
to express themselves through teamwork and individuality.
With Loving Hands we help seniors live happy, healthy lives in the comfort of their own homes by providing affordable, quality, compassionate care to preserve independence and contribute to a better life.