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Only the family members you allow will have access to your account. Only family members will see photos, memories, events, messages, and comments. We believe the family experience should be private, not shared with millions of people.
Campushopper's College Chatter Board connects students from a social network of communities. From the main college board users can get to know each other through personal blogs, boards, photo albums, and private messages.
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Lee Cook has been in contact with Angels since childhood. She shares her Angelic Contacts/Angel Messages publicly and is available for private sessions. Contact your guardian Angel or any in the Angelic Realm
Birthooray provides a fast, fun way for you to share personal messages and media through our content-sharing platform to a private, ‘by-invitation-only’ group of Cooers, selected and shared by the ‘Parent’. Just snap a photo, shoot some film, write a mess
BurpSync is the secure online backup service for your mobile phone. With using BurpSync, it makes it easy to save your names, numbers, calendar events and text messages to your own private account, and share photos with your friends.
Create Pictures with iPhone emoji and put them on your friend's walls. You can also send private messages to facebook friends. Tweet over 140 character emoji messages, and Post Emoji as Pictures Directly On Facebook Friends' Walls! You can also is an amatuer image rating site. Members upload their images and have them rated by other site visitors. You can also send private messages to other users as well as leave comments for them. You can also see you rated you and what rating
With `Delestan` users can communicate using quick status updates of 160 characters or less. This free flowing dialogue lets you send messages, pictures and video to anyone! It`s also easy to find and connect with other people for private threads and to ke
Intuitive training and psychic readings with top ten psychic in St. Louis Kristen White. Connect to your guides, receive messages from departed loved ones, and meet your angels in a private session.
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Keep your messages secured with our Military Blackberry PGP service. A solid way to keep your messages really private between you and your business partners
The Billboards for Life Project posts positive Catholic pro-life messages by renting space with outdoor advertising companies. We also construct permanent billboards on private lands and church properties. The horror of abortion is fought with the displ
Birthooray provides a fast, fun way for you to share personal messages and media through our content-sharing platform to a private, ‘by-invitation-only’ group of Cooers, selected and shared by the ‘Parent’. Just snap a photo, shoot some film, write a mess
We are proud to be a provider of affordable email accounts and private hosting for business people and travelers who want to check their important messages when they are on the go. Easily manage and organize your correspondence and keep all email conversa
Chrissy Cook Dream Doula, offering Sacred Circles, Angel Readings, Private Angel Counseling & Monthly Channeled Messages from the Legion of Light & Love.
CopyMessage helps you to create custom private messages or group messages to paste on Facebook, now it's easy to get your message out to dozens of people in minutes