Richie Branson, a rapper, producer, and composer who touts the convergence of "nerdcore" and "nerdcool," has brought back his anime-inspired "#OtakuTuesdays"...
The FuMP, or The Funny Music Project, is a collaborative effort made up of a group of comedy musicians. New funny songs are posted for free each Tuesday and Friday. means gaming-related music for the most awesome people in the world: Gamers. This is the official website of blAkeMusic4Life. Blake-Music!
Our mission, is to unite nerds of all types, casual to hardcore, comics to videogames. We hope to provide something that hasnt been done before. Above all else, we strive to have fun doing what we love. is the official home of multi-dimensional hip-hop artist Sample the Martian and Detroit independent record label Galactic Dust Records.
Darealwordsound is funky nerdy hip hop. From Suisun/Fairfield/Vacaville California he brings a fresh sound to hip hop music. He is a bassist, rapper, producer, and a big nerdy kid. Prepare to have fun again listening to his music.
The FuMP, or The Funny Music Project, is a collaborative effort made up of a group of comedy musicians. New funny songs are posted for free each Tuesday and Friday.