Latino Treatment Center provides alcohol, substance abuse and addiction treatment services in Spanish
to the Hispanic community in Chicago, Elgin, and West Chicago.
Sick and Sicker ObamaCare Canadian Style is a movie that shows what happens with the government becomes your doctor from Logan Darrow Clements. Available to screen locally, on DVD or instant download.
This site covers ObamaCare (OC), also known as "The Affordable Care Act" (ACA). We are especially interested in the health insurance policies that are being cancelled as a result of ObamaCare and any hardship that may result therefrom.
This site covers ObamaCare (OC), also known as "The Affordable Care Act" (ACA). We are especially interested in the health insurance policies that are being cancelled as a result of ObamaCare and any hardship that may result therefrom.
Short Term Health Plans, also known as STHP, are increasingly popular. Before you purchase a plan, review all of the pros and cons or speak with an agent.
This website will provide information on Executive, Corporate, Employee Benefits, Estate Planning and Retirement services for both businesses and individuals.
You Have Questions, Ohio Health Benefits Has Answers! One of the most frequently asked questions we receive from our clients is how will the Affordable Care Act