A drivetrain analyzer and gear calculator for HPV's (Human Powered Vehicles) that will handle compound drives and geared cranks and hubs. Commonly used tables are returned. Useful for bikes, trikes, and other HPV's.
VARNA designs and manufactures the most efficient Handcycles on the market today! VARNA consistently sets yearly World Records with their Human-Powered Vehicles (HPVs). This leading-edge HPV technology is reflected in the superior handcycles we sell.
ultralight personal transport - The Trikke range of three-wheeled unique human powered and electrically motorized transporters is set to change the way we look at personal transport forever.
ultralight personal transport - The Trikke range of three-wheeled unique human powered and electrically motorized transporters is set to change the way we look at personal transport forever.
The homepage of the Hypertrike velomobile development group. Enthusiasts who pool their creativity to make a human powered transport device with most of the functionality of the car without the environmental cost.