hi, this is the virtual thought dump of h.jaramillo. a designer in ♥ with cyberculture, tech, music, art, and pop culture. i write in both long and tiny form.
Portail et blog sur la belgitude, le web insolite et décalé, la cyberculture, l' exploration (reportages photo-vidéo, vues panoramiques) et romans-photos ...
www.newmediastudies.com is the site for the study of new media, containing book reviews, website reviews, web design guides, internet information, and more.
Noweb est un site polymorphe regroupant une élite culturelle désirant ne rien changer au monde. Un monde qu'il trouve merveilleux, plein de super héros dégingandés et de princesses métamorphosées par le Wonderbras!
Computer-mediated hypertextuality has generally been compared to print-based textuality in terms of readers’ experiences: Hypertexts blur boundaries among texts and between readers and writers, creating a sense of free-form exploration and ongoing creatio