The #1 Official College Confessions Site. Collegefession is the #1 anonymous social sharing platform for college students, featuring real college confessions, college stories, humor, college news, and more. Are you Collegefession Worthy?
Anonymous confessions from bridezillas to their friends and family members. Confess what you really want to say (or just read for some great entertainment).
The #1 Official College Confessions Site. Collegefession is the #1 anonymous social sharing platform for college students, featuring real college confessions, college stories, humor, college news, and more. Are you Collegefession Worthy?
Confessions is a podcast run through Wesleyan University’s Radio Storytelling Collective. The program is 100% anonymous, created by Wesleyan students and for the community at large. Your confession...
sinpot | | Anonymously Post Your Confessions or give secret message to someone. What's more It's completely anonymous. You may add the hints to keep people guessing about you or your sin!!! But remember don't take names :P
Slutmeter is the platform to learn about sluts, slutty behavior, rank sluts through polls, post anonymous slut confessions, read slutfessions, read slut editorials, and slut comments.
Uber Cab Confessions is your ultimate portal to all the crazy and fun experiences of drivers and passengers of uber in an anonymous matter. Isn't it time for you to confess?
Confesster allows people to share their most intimate secrets, thoughts, and deeds with full anonymity. It is not a way to connect with other people, but a way to give and get honest thought.