Bay Area canine massage therapy San Francisco, pet massage therapy San Francisco, dog massage therapy San Francisco, k9 massage San Francisco, animal massage therapy San Francisco, pet massage therapy
Topjax Animal Therapies. Based in Tonbridge Kent, England and providing canine massage facilities in and around Tonbridge, or dogs can be treated in dog friendly surroundings.
Offering courses and workshops in holistic animal therapies including massage for dogs and horses - Opleidingen in dierenmassage (hondenmassage en paardenmassage), TCM en Reiki - Formation et cours en massage pour animaux (chien et cheval), communication
This website provides information and insights into the types and uses of Animal Massage, Acupressure, Myofascial Release and CranioSacral work as complementary therapies for a variety of ailments and injuries for equines and canines.
Touch is essential component to good health - both physically and mentally. Animal Kneads Massage Therapy provides a range of services in the Minneapolis and Western Wisconsin areas for dogs and cats.
Elite Animal Massage: Tiffany Jorgensen offers Equine CranioSacral, Integrated Acupressure, Equine Massage Therapy, and Canine Massage Therapy.
CranioSacral and Integrated Acupressure and Massage Techniques are used in conjunction with your Vete