Anti Modern Slavery is a website dedicated to inform and educate the general public about the problem of modern day slavery and human trafficking throughout the world.
The Freedom Fund - a new philanthropic initiative designed to bring much-needed financial resources and strategic focus to the fight against modern slavery.
The Freedom Fund - a new philanthropic initiative designed to bring much-needed financial resources and strategic focus to the fight against modern slavery.
Five Thousand Years of Slavery is a comprehensive historical narrative, with firsthand accounts, maps, archival photos, paintings and posters. Much more than a reference work for children, it is a brilliant exploration of the worst - and the best - in hum
The Freedom Fund - a new philanthropic initiative designed to bring much-needed financial resources and strategic focus to the fight against modern slavery.
Five Thousand Years of Slavery is a comprehensive historical narrative, with firsthand accounts, maps, archival photos, paintings and posters. Much more than a reference work for children, it is a brilliant exploration of the worst - and the best - in hum
The Lest We Forget Museum of Slavery provides a unique opportunity to examine and explore the factual aspects of the African American Slave Trade experience.