With her visual effects degree from Flashpoint Academy in Chicago, IL, Katie Pyle is an independent 3d modeler and character designer for hire with skills in Maya, XSI, and Z-Brush.
My name is Joshua Cote, Im a Character Modeler specializing in creating digital characters for film. Im currently in the process of completing my education at Full Sail University. Before deciding to go into this industry, I was extremely active in perfo
Mike is a modeler for computer animated films at Laika Entertainment in Portland, OR. His character and prop models can be seen in the movie, The Ant Bully. View Mike's gallery and demo reel.
Nature a Modeler concoit votre jardin et vous aide a le faire naitre de vos propres mains, Passion et experience au service de tous vos projets, a l'exterieur comme a l'interieur
Simpl UML is a modeler that makes creating diagrams simpl. It features support for ActionScript 3, PHP, Java and SQL models with code generation, as well as, freeform modeling.
Stage de forge - Stage de coutelier - Formation professionnelle - Forgeron d'Art - Fer à modeler - Ecole de forge d'Art - Stages métallier forgeron - Formation diplômante CAP
The Playdough Poem/El Poema de la Plastilina/Le Poeme de la pate a modeler; multicultural, Creationist book and e-book, with English, Spanish, French chapters.