Improve your courtroom skills, persuade jurors, and win more trials with the Trial Notebook. You'll track your courtroom victories (and the occasional loss), rapidly accelerating your learning curve.
Generous Juror Program was created to help children in Foster Care. Generous Juror program asks Jurors to donate their Jury Fee to help children in Foster Care.
National non-profit informing everyone of jurors' right to consult conscience and exercise jury nullification to set aside the law when justice requires it.
Trial lawyers, discover how to persuade jurors and win your next jury trial. You will learn valuable tips for improving your jury selection, opening statement, direct examination, cross-examination, and closing arguments.
JurySelector is jury selection software created for Texas Municipal Courts. JurySelector simplifies the selection of jurors and the maintenance of juror participation.
At Hoffman Brylo Consulting, we shape the story of each case to make it the most persuasive to jurors of the trial venue. We rely on experience and research results rather than stereotypes. We believe that our strategies play a significant par
Rehearsing Real Life for Teaching, Training & Testing Role-playing Patients Parents Families Executives Witnesses Jurors Customers Grodin Professional Simulators is a Pittsburgh based company that provides trained, unbiased simulators, simulated patie
Cole Pedroza attorneys are skilled at written and oral advocacy to appellate justices, trial court judges and jurors, arbitrators and administrative law judges.
Focus Groups For Litigation:
Focus Groups can be of value from an initial assessment of a potential case, to evaluate how jurors might perceive the attorneys, witnesses, evidence, and arguments you plan to present. Precision focus groups are a powerful t
National non-profit informing everyone of jurors' right to consult conscience and exercise jury nullification to set aside the law when justice requires it.
Fall deadlines: CALL FOR ARTISTS: AOTA 10/20 ART CONTEST: featured artist competition ongoing, 9/30
Jurors, curators, event directors, J + K Isacson
artist, painter, mixed media artist, Arts management, a
Matthews Legal News
$5.7 Million Mesh Verdict against J & J / Ethicon
BAKERSFIELD, CALIF. — Johnson & Johnson lost its fourth pelvic mesh trial in Calif. March 5. Twelve jurors ordered the mesh maker to pay a Calif. woman $5.7 million for a defect
Matthews Legal News
Jury orders Johnson & Johnson to pay $5.7 Million in another Pelvic Mesh Trial in Calif.
BAKERSFIELD, CALIF. — Johnson & Johnson lost another pelvic mesh trial in Calif. March 5. Twelve jurors ordered the mesh maker to pay a Ca
Trial lawyers, discover how to persuade jurors and win your next jury trial. You will learn valuable tips for improving your jury selection, opening statement, direct examination, cross-examination, and closing arguments.
Matthews Legal News
$5.7 Million Mesh Verdict against J & J / Ethicon
BAKERSFIELD, CALIF. — Johnson & Johnson lost its fourth pelvic mesh trial in Calif. March 5. Twelve jurors ordered the mesh maker to pay a Calif. woman $5.7 million for a defect
Teen Court is an innovative diversion program for first-time juvenile offenders who are tried by a jury of their peers. It is a real court of law that is entirely operated by youth volunteers (teen jurors, teen attorneys, clerk, and judge), with an adult
Fall deadlines: CALL FOR ARTISTS: AOTA 10/20 ART CONTEST: featured artist competition ongoing, 9/30
Jurors, curators, event directors, J + K Isacson
artist, painter, mixed media artist, Arts management, a
Replace Congress with one time only Jurors. End corruption, vote selling/barting, perks/excessive pay, nauseating elections, Aristocracy/Oligarchy, and wealthy sponsorship
Trial lawyers, discover how to persuade jurors and win your next jury trial. You will learn valuable tips for improving your jury selection, opening statement, direct examination, cross-examination, and closing arguments.
Fall deadlines: CALL FOR ARTISTS: AOTA 10/20 ART CONTEST: featured artist competition ongoing, 9/30
Jurors, curators, event directors, J + K Isacson
artist, painter, mixed media artist, Arts management, a
Matthews Legal News
$5.7 Million Mesh Verdict against J & J / Ethicon
BAKERSFIELD, CALIF. — Johnson & Johnson lost its fourth pelvic mesh trial in Calif. March 5. Twelve jurors ordered the mesh maker to pay a Calif. woman $5.7 million for a defect
Matthews Legal News
$5.7 Million Mesh Verdict against J & J / Ethicon
BAKERSFIELD, CALIF. — Johnson & Johnson lost its fourth pelvic mesh trial in Calif. March 5. Twelve jurors ordered the mesh maker to pay a Calif. woman $5.7 million for a defect