Family Learning Organization offers homeschooling advice, support and standardized achievement testing for home-based education. Provides encouragement through networking and legislation and curriculum information.
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Your best source for the pros and cons of homeschooling. As a mother and homeschooling teacher to nine children, I discuss the benefits, advantages,disadvantages, and info on homeschooling.
Founded in 1996 by Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek, we offer waldorf resources and support for waldorf inspired homeschooling parents. We are proud to be the largest and most comprehensive site and invite you to join us offers the best homeschooling supplies, curriculum, and textbooks for high school, middle school, and preschool home schooling. Homeschooling Books offers a huge selection of home school supplies inspired by Christian values.
Exploring Homeschooling official website: Exploring Homeschooling is a national ministry that encourages Christian families to homeschool from a Biblical worldview and equips homeschool evangelists.
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Homeschooling and Unschooling Resources & Articles to assist Homeschoolers and Home Educators. Move beyond the cookie-cutter box mentality in your homeschooling or unschooling journey. Materials for Independent Learners including tips for using textbooks