Découvrez l'application vincod (disponible sur l'Apple App Store et Google Play). Un millier de producteurs français engagés en faveur d'une information complète et transparente sur les vins que vous consommez.
Découvrez l'application vincod (disponible sur l'Apple App Store et Google Play). Un millier de producteurs français engagés en faveur d'une information complète et transparente sur les vins que vous consommez.
EAN-Codes – eine offizielle Seite zum Beantragen von weltweit gültigen EAN-Codes. Unsere EAN-13 (GTIN-13) Barcodes sind von GS1/EAN International ausgestellt.
openGTIN.org is a project with aim to collect as many gtin numbers as possible. in the future there will be an API to receive informations from the database.
Envio is Fresh produce inventory management and accounting software designed especially for fruit and vegetable shippers and packers. Envio is GTIN, PTI (Produce Traceability Initiative), & COOL compliant. Envio is developed by Unisun Software in Bois
Envio is Fresh produce inventory management and accounting software designed especially for fruit and vegetable shippers and packers. Envio is GTIN, PTI (Produce Traceability Initiative), & COOL compliant. Envio is developed by Unisun Software in Bois
Envio is Fresh produce inventory management and accounting software designed especially for fruit and vegetable shippers and packers. Envio is GTIN, PTI (Produce Traceability Initiative), & COOL compliant. Envio is developed by Unisun Software in Bois
Envio is Fresh produce inventory management and accounting software designed especially for fruit and vegetable shippers and packers. Envio is GTIN, PTI (Produce Traceability Initiative), & COOL compliant. Envio is developed by Unisun Software in Bois
Envio is Fresh produce inventory management and accounting software designed especially for fruit and vegetable shippers and packers. Envio is GTIN, PTI (Produce Traceability Initiative), & COOL compliant. Envio is developed by Unisun Software in Bois
Envio is Fresh produce inventory management and accounting software designed especially for fruit and vegetable shippers and packers. Envio is GTIN, PTI (Produce Traceability Initiative), & COOL compliant. Envio is developed by Unisun Software in Bois
GS1 Denmark hjælper virksomheder med at effektivisere deres forsyningskæde gennem brug af standarder for unik identifikation, stregkoder og dataudveksling.
EanFind est le premier comparateur à vous proposer une visibilité européenne des prix. A travers plusieurs dizaines de millions de fiches produits, c'est pour vous la certitude d'acheter le même produit
Necesita código de barras EAN/UPC oficiales? Visita la fuente número 1 y obtenga códigos libres de riesgos. Calificación máxima en servicios y integridad. Economía en largo plazo- |||i|Simplemente Códigos de Barras|i|||.
EanFind ist die erste europäische Preisvergleichsmaschine. Mit Millionen von Produktdatenblättern finden Sie mit Sicherheit die besten Produktangebote zum besten Preis in allen Ländern der Europäischen Union!
EanFind is the first pan european best price comparison tool. With millions of product price and data sheets, you can find the best offers on your domestic market and within the european union market!