The Chopra Center is a nurturing place where people come to find balance, heal, and transform through the foundational teachings of meditation, yoga, and Ayurveda. Founded by Drs. Deepak Chopra and David Simon …
MarketClub - Tools for the Trader, Streaming Charts, Download Data, Smart Scan, Trade School, TAG. No advertising. Trading Tools from Adam Hewison and David Maher and the rest of the team.
Robot schematics, books, and circuits for mini-sumo, line-following, BEAM, and electronic projects. DIY instructions on making robots at home. Basic help and tips on how to build robotic sensors. Homemade autonomous bots for a hobby! By David Cook.
David Deangelo's Double Your Dating - Dating Tips and Advice for Men, Learn How To Attract a Beautiful Woman, Get a Girlfriend, tell if She is Ready to Be Kissed, and Much More!
We work with government, business and individuals to conserve our environment by providing science-based education, advocacy and policy work, and acting as a catalyst for the social change that today's situation demands.