BodyTalk is consciousness based medicine. Working with the innate wisdom to heal from within by refocusing the bodymind to re-establish communication, synchronize and balance in a non-diagnostic, non-invasive process led by your own bodys priority.
Northern California BodyTalk (NCBT) is an association of Practitioners and Students dedicated to inspire a state of vibrant health by sharing our practice of the transformative healthcare system of BodyTalk Energy Medicine.
Effektive Gesundheitsfürsorge, die den GANZEN Menschen, mit seimen GANZEN Umfeld, GANZEN Emotionen, seinen GANZEN Erfahrungen und Erlebnissen einbezieht
Sweet Earth West Seattle's Choice for Holistic Massage and Bodywork, Subtle Energy Healing, Shamanic Healing, BodyMind Alignment, and Spiritual Counseling.
Effektive Gesundheitsfürsorge, die den GANZEN Menschen, mit seimen GANZEN Umfeld, GANZEN Emotionen, seinen GANZEN Erfahrungen und Erlebnissen einbezieht
BodyTalk Healing with Body Talk and Breakthrough practitioners in Canora, Saskatchewan - Michele Wiwchar and Tammy Bobyk. Only 30 minutes from Yorkton.