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Home Alternative Energy is discovering how to personally benefit from renewable energy resources in your own home and becoming part of an energy efficient community.
Our site is dedicated to the use, and education of alternative, clean, and renewable energy sources, geared toward residential applications, specifically home built options.
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Alternative Energy: Generate your own electricity and install micro generation solar photovoltaic or wind power on your domestic house. Become energy self-sufficiency at home. Alternative energy has links to an accredited suppliers, installers and altern
The Southern African Alternative Energy Association (SAAEA) represents and actively promotes Renewable Alternative Energy Solutions in our region. Its focus is the whole industry, rather than one sector.
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Seventeen years ago, began researching and developing the Fuelles Engine. We continue to further our research to innovate new free (alternative) energy devices.
Alternative Energy: Love the Environment, Save More.The buzzword for the last 10 years is “alternative energy.” A lot of environmentalists, economists, and home owners are labeling it as the last-ditc
Information about a wide variety of alternative energy possiblities. Solar, wind and less common alternative energy sources - all explained and discussed here. Save money while you save the environme
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