An accredited affiliate of ProLiteracy, and a United Way agency, our trained volunteers provide a variety of free adult reading literacy programs in the Houston area.
An accredited affiliate of ProLiteracy, and a United Way agency, our trained volunteers provide a variety of free adult reading literacy programs in the Houston area.
The Literacy Council of Montgomery County offers adult literacy services, ESL Programs and Classes and located in the Rockville Library in Montgomery County
Operating as the Adult Learning Centre, we are a community-based organization providing one-on-one and group tutoring for adults. We encourage community support and promote literacy awareness.
New Readers Press improves life skills with innovative high quality ESL and GED learning materials for reading, writing, mathematics, science and social studies. Our programs and activities ensure that every adult and child student reaches his or her full
First organized in 1982, chartered as a non-profit corporation in 1985, TLC is devoted to improving the lives of adult learners struggling with illiteracy.
First organized in 1982, chartered as a non-profit corporation in 1985, TLC is devoted to improving the lives of adult learners struggling with illiteracy.