The Paranormal Misadventures of Zombie Dave, a gaming and zombie-themed comedy comic published by Stone Pi Comics. Written and illustrated by Matt Decker. ISSN: 21555176 | Product No. 9772155517009
The Paranormal Misadventures of Zombie Dave, a gaming and zombie-themed comedy comic published by Stone Pi Comics. Written and illustrated by Matt Decker. ISSN: 21555176 | Product No. 9772155517009
Zombie Joes Underground Theatre Group at ZJU Theater for horror & supernatural fans of experimental Performing Arts show progressive production entertainment
The Ghost Diaries is home to news, entertainment and media pertaining to ghosts, spirits, UFOs, ESP, conspiracy theories, horror films, and a wide variety of
Satirical paranormal suspense Novels of Larry Weiner. A trilogy that follows the exploits of Kyle Brightman, ex-ad guy, ex-psych ward guest, undead lover.
Feed your hunger for all things zombie at Eating Brains - offering an assortment of apparel, zombie information, survival tips, zombie-inspired gift items and more.
David Lesault's Planet Mediocrity. A blog which doesn't have a real theme - random bits of technical information as I find them, creative posts as I do them, Photography posts if I shoot anything interesting, Edinburgh posts if I see anything ex
Benjamin Radford is deputy editor of Skeptical Inquirer science magazine and a Research Fellow with the non-profit educational organization the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. He writes about urban legends, paranormal, critical thinking, media literacy.