The first and only web site dedicated to the zither banjo, sometimes called the english zither banjo, inlcudes biographies of famous playes, examples of the work both as music copy and recording and deatils of the main manufacturers
Zither Australia Publications – learn, purchase and collect recordings of traditional pieces or other music specifically performed on the zither. Get off to a great start with help and free downloads.
Das Wiener Zither Ensemble Hannelore Laister seit 1989. Es soll jungen Musikern und der Zither in Wiener Stimmung zu größerer Bekanntheit zu verhelfen.
Autoharp for iPad & iPhone. Thumb Wizard's Musical Autoharp Instrument is On Apple's iTunes App Store. Musical Autoharp provides a simple and easy to play interface that musicians of all ages can learn and enjoy on iPad, iPhone & iPod Touch