Founders v. Bush: a Comparison of Quotes of the Founding Fathers of America and Quotes from George W. Bush. Quotes from Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Paine, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and other Founding
On Point: The Founding Fathers in Plain English is an intriguing and innovative look at our founders' wisdom in our language. Timely. Relevant. Revolutionary.
Conservative Christian blog offers all Americans interactive discussion dedicated to the preservation of the Republic. This web log invites honest dissent, and will draw upon the sayings of the Founders, elder statesmen and great leaders such as Ronald R
Though not a new concept, nullification is a tool that was utilized by our founders to help maintain the balance of power between the states and the federal government.
The United States of America has a Christian heritage. The wisdom and guidance of God has been integral in the lives of our founders and leaders. The liberty that has made America great is based on the principles of Christianity.