Cor + Web = corz org.. more than virtual home of cor - writer - tech - artist, maker of tools, troubleshooter, creator of creative solutions. Here is my digital output, most of my work, in time.. software, words, poetry, songs, music, images, web site spa
Originally founded in Armidale (NSW) as S.T.D. Music, Hire and Promotion (1983) by Clay Djubal, Have Gravity Will Threaten (HGWT) is an independent, not-for-profit, publisher of music, plays, poetry and images from writers, musicians, composers, bands and
Images & words from an internet entrepreneur and coder. Mostly I work on DistroKid, which is the best way for musicians to sell their music in iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, and more. You can follow me on...
Contemporary Art Dialogue is about more than beautiful objects, images, poetry or music. It is taking paper, words, sounds, color, light, forms and transforming these into artworks that resonate within us. Contemporary art inspires, stimulates, provokes u