I'm Alex Newton. I am majoring in sports media and minoring in marketing at Oklahoma State University. I was born and raised in the beautiful Houston, Texas. I am a member of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity and I write for the school newspaper the O�
alpha Kappa Delta Phi is the largest, international Asian-interest sorority with 48 chapters located at universities across the United States and one in Canada.
UniQUE Wood Creations was founded in 2010 by Brandon Mosley in Houston, Texas. It started out as a hobby to past time and make gifts for friends that were Greeks. As more and more friends came forward, Brandon thought it would be a great idea to share the
Tau Kappa Epsilon at Sam Houston State University. TKE offers Leadership Training, Social Events, Friendship Opportunities, Community Service Activities, and More at Sam Houston State University. We are the world's largest college social fraternity with c
The Phi Beta Kappa Alumni Association of Greater Houston provides scholarships for outstanding students from each of dozens of Houston high schools each year.